“Brick is a fantastic material that can be used like a smart skin, allowing us to work freely in a modular way in almost any form”

GRAFT Architekten
With its sophisticated brick architecture and complex mixed-use concept BRICKS is immediately impressive. In an interview with Heinze, the three founding partners of GRAFT Architekten talk about how they made the project a reality and their general views on mixed-use.

BRICKS Berlin Schöneberg has undergone a phenomenal transformation. But even after more than a century, one theme remains at the heart of this place: the human need to communicate.

In 1901, it became an imperial post office and later also a telephone exchange. And today it has become a colorful residential and commercial complex with numerous points precisely for communication: at the hairdresser, in the café, at the supermarket, in the restaurant, in the preschool. And there is still even a post office.

Left side of the street: the imposing façade of the post office, which has been preserved to this day © Museum of Communication

© Museum of Communication

CrossFit MINS

MINS has been part of the neighborhood since the transformation of BRICKS and has established an exceptionally well-equipped CrossFit Box in an area of the former Postfuhramt garages. But it’s not just the location that’s unique. The entire MINS team is highly motivated and well qualified to empower people to change their lives.


“Athanasios Gortsas is the Alexis Zorba of Berlin. In fact, almost everyone knows him.”

That’s how the descriptions begin of Taverna Platia, and they’re all spot on: the first courtyard of Bricks is home to the city’s best-known Greek restaurant, which immerses the entire neighborhood in Greek lifestyle on balmy summer evenings. A meeting point for people to eat and drink at long tables, celebrate, dance, and sing. Families, couples, friends, children of all ages, four-legged friends, and lots of toys fill the place with life.


Ayhan and Vytas know everyone and see everything on Belziger Street – just like real doormen.
A coffee break at this window to the neighborhood is part of the daily routine for many and will give everyone the feeling: you belong to the neighborhood.